Sakai, S, et al. (2000) Artocarpus (Moraceae)- gall midge pollination mutualism mediated by a male-flower parasitic funges. Amer. J. Bot., 87(3): 440-445.
一個包含Artocarpus integer (Moraceae)(小波羅蜜,桑科),授粉者--癭蚋,及其共生真菌的新授粉系統被科學家所描述了,地點在Borneo, Sarawak的龍腦香混和林中。Choanephora屬的真菌感染A. integer的雄花序,吸引癭蚋(Contarinia spp.)取食外生菌絲並在雄花序上產卵。癭蚋的幼蟲也以菌絲為食,並在花序上化蛹。當沒有受真菌感染的雌花序開花時,癭蚋為之與雄花序類似的氣味而吸引。由於花粉具黏性、訪花者數量中佔優勢及在兩性別花朵上所採成蟲身上觀察到的花粉,A. integer被認為是由這些癭蚋所授粉。雖然過去有數起致病性真菌與授粉者互動關係的報導,本文仍是第一篇清楚記載真菌在授粉共生系統中扮演重要角色的研究報告。此一新發現的授粉系統顯示:我們應更加留意真菌在植物的授粉系統中扮演的角色。
A previously undescribed pollination system involving a monoecious tree species, Artocarpus integer (Moraceae), pollinator gall midges, and fungi is reported from a mixed dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Borneo. The fungus Choanephora sp. (Choanephoraceae, Mucorales, Zygomycetes) infects male inflorescences of A. integer, and gall midges (Contarinia spp., Cecidomyiinae, Diptera) feed on the fungal mycelia and oviposit on the inflorescence. Their larvae also feed on the mycelia and pupate in the inflorescence. The gall midges are also attracted by female inflorescences lacking mycelia, probably due to a floral fragrance similar to that of male inflorescences. Because of the sticky pollen, dominance of Contarinia spp. in flower visitors, and pollen load observed on Contarinia spp. collected on both male and female inflorescences, Artocarpus integer is thought to be pollinated by the gall midges. Although several pathogenic fungi have been reported to have interactions with pollinators, this is the first report on a pollination mutualism in which a fungus plays an indispensable role. The pollination system described here suggests that we should be more aware of the roles fungi can play in pollinations.