

早上,習慣性檢查電子郵件信箱時,發現了之前訂閱的 Google scholar 快訊通知,我的研究主題有新的研究被刊出了。Google scholar 快訊 (以下簡稱為快訊) 是一個很有用的學術研究工具 (網頁服務,aka App)可以透過追蹤作者、追蹤關鍵字等方式,設定每當有新研究成果進入Google scholar資料庫時便通知訂閱者。 


第一次發表學術文章是將近6年前,而這次是有人引用,代表我的研究還是可以提供對其他學者有用的資訊吧~ 實話實說:相當開心;或許這對許多更厲害的人來說算是很小很小的一步,卻是我有往前邁進的證明。 

Today is a special day in my research career, although actually, every day is special. I decided to write it down, otherwise, the feeling of this moment would pass away after I went to bed an hour later~ 

When I checked my mailbox this morning, I found a new research article reporting a fig-related cecidomyiid midge in Panama. This new article goes to my mailbox through the alert from Google Scholar, which I use to trace new articles and follow some famous researchers and colleagues (You can easily get an alert if any new article has been published by setting keywords or author names). Five minutes later, I found this new fig-related midge looked quite similar to what we previously found in Penghu, Taiwan. And, ..., hey, our paper was cited! This is the first time someone has cited my paper!!! 

I published my first article about 6 years ago, and now got my first citation. Though this might not be a huge thing, it's big enough for me so I decided to record this moment and the feeling. I'm happy about this : ), and I would like to keep trying to do science (research).

This is just a photo I took today, nothing special, but at least there is no rain today. No rain, good enough : )
